Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Good read

I have just finished reading an interesting memoir written by a UK journalist, the daughter of a former Finance Minister in Sierra Leone. It is nicely written and it describes her experience and that of her father during the period from the late 1960’s up until 2002. Aminatta Fornah portrays Freetown as I have found it and it is nice to see how a professional writer reduces the image to words. The book fills in many questions I had such as the underlying reasons for the dilapidation and the extreme poverty when there are obvious signs that life and times used to be much better. The author also visits Makeni where she stays at the same house where I live. She also had a harrowing experience at the rebel headquarters, now the Town Hall where I work. It seems that very little has changed physically over the past 6 years although there are glimmers of progress. Two thumbs up!!!

It looks like one of the lads is wearing a Tim Horton's shirt!! Can it be?
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